Upgrading Templates and Reports to the new payment system

v7 has an improved method of recording payments. It Allows for multiple payments, and part-payments made by different methods against one order, rather than just a balance plus an optional deposit as previously.

Existing deposit (if present) and balance fields are converted when version 7 is first run. The old fields are kept in the database. If user returns to older version, these fields will still be present, but any orders created using the new version won't have those fields.

It adds field 'balanceremaining' which is a calculation of what's owed taking into account the new-style payments. it adds field 'totaldue' which is a total of everything with tax and shipping before any payments have been made. Is not reduced by any payments that have been made. For that use balanceremaining

Templates and reports should work as far as possible but will benefit from an upgrade to the new payments method. If you'd like Organise to attempt to do this, choose Organise>Database>Upgrade Templates & Reports


Templates used to have fields called <deposit> <depositpaid> <balance> and <balancepaid>

Now a single field <payments> will print all of the relevant information about payments onto your template. A new field <balanceremaining> supersedes <balance>

If you run Organise without upgrading your templates, they should still work successfully if you only have one payment per Order.

If you ask Organise to upgrade, it will attempt to update the relevant fields. If you've customised your templates or made new ones, you may prefer to edit your reports:


Organise has a new table called 'payments'. You can see the details of the new table and fields at Field Names

Existing reports will try to access the old fields on the Order and Organise will attempt to show the data, even for new records. But for new records that have more than one payment, the existing reports will show incorrect totals. It's best if these are upgraded too.

Again, Organise will attempt to upgrade existing reports and this should be sucessful, especially if you've not customised your reports. If you'd like to do it yourself:

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